Articles in English, Blog

Halim-El Dabh – Egyptian musique concrète, before Schaeffer

“While Pierre Schaeffer is often thought of as the father of the electronic music form known as musique concrète the gentleman above, Halim El-Dabh, actually got there several years before, 1944 to be exact.“ <<We had to sneak in (to the ritual) with our heads covered like the women, since men were not allowed in.… Read More Halim-El Dabh – Egyptian musique concrète, before Schaeffer

Articles in English, Blog

The experiencer, aghora tantra. Fragments by Robert Svoboda.

”Something that Vimalananda emphasized over and over again: there is no limit to knowledge. And here in this very country, India, there have been people who have been focusing on trying to understand reality from all its perspectives and they have been focusing for thousands of years and the amount of things that have been… Read More The experiencer, aghora tantra. Fragments by Robert Svoboda.

Articles in English, Blog, Blog Cinema

Notes on possession trance. Jung. “The Miracle of Bali” (1969)

Possession. Jung I’d very much like to know what Jung had to say about possession cults and the deeper reasons behind such experiences. Especially since I’ve always wondered if the entities which supposedly possess the initiate could be regarded as aspects of one’s Self. As far as I know, though, Jung spoke about possession in… Read More Notes on possession trance. Jung. “The Miracle of Bali” (1969)