”Something that Vimalananda emphasized over and over again: there is no limit to knowledge. And here in this very country, India, there have been people who have been focusing on trying to understand reality from all its perspectives and they have been focusing for thousands of years and the amount of things that have been understood and experienced are so far beyond the capabilities of one human being to even get an idea of the magnitude of, much less understand everything.
He used to say – you know the rishis. We call them rishis but he liked to call them anubhavi – anubhavi means someone who experiences, someone who is a great experiences, who spends hundreds of years maybe, like Guru Maharaj did, thousands of years, experiencing things, seeing how tiem and space change seeing how human beings change, trying to figure out the best way to cause harmony as much as possible everywhere.
Maybe a good place to stop for right now is to quote (…) something that Vimalananda used to quote (…). So where the sun will not be able to reach the poet will reach. And so that is apparently a well-known saying in Hindi but Vimalananda went further and he would say where even the poet cannot reach the experiencer can reach. So that was what he believed that he should always be trying, to experience things. Not only because it would be assisting him to learn more things but because he was allowing, he was trying to allow all of these devatas and the Supreme reality itself to experience through him so that alignment between him and the Supreme reality could just become more and more well-textured and rich and juicy.” (ROBERT SVOBODA)